Press Releases
$4.87 Million Off-Market Land Transaction Closed
March 19, 2021 – Yog Melwani, of Align Commercial Real Estate, negotiated and transacted the sale of a 67 acre +/- site on Lake Ella Road, in the Town of Lady Lake. The off-market property sold for $4,872,000.
The 67 +/- acre property is located just east of the Villages, on the north side of Lake Ella Road, east of Rolling Acres Road, and nearly one mile west of South Highway 27/441, in the Town of Lady Lake, in Lake County, Florida. The property consists of 232 Single Family lots, and is Entitled, Fully Engineered, and Shovel Ready!
Yog Melwani transacted the sale between the buyer, RealOp Investments, LLC, an Orlando, FL/Greenville, SC based Institutional Private Equity Fund, and the seller, Lake Ella, LLC, comprised of Frank Cawthon (FHC Development) and Robert Holston (Holston Properties and Development).
RealOp plans to develop this property for Single Family Rental (SFR) Homes. Please direct additional Land opportunities to Yog Melwani at Align Commercial Real Estate, 407.654.8200,
“Florida’s ever-growing population creates a strong demand for more housing, as does the changing demographic trends. This asset type appeals to younger Baby Boomers, in their 50’s and 60’s, who have decided to go from owning to renting a home; as well as Generation Ys, (Millennials | Echo Boomers), and those who continue to migrate to Florida, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, leaving urban areas for more space and single-family rentals (SFR). It is estimated that this asset type will grow to 700,000 units nationwide, of which 13,000 units will be in Central Florida,” says Yog Melwani, principal at Align Commercial Real Estate.
#SingleFamilyRentals #SFR #OffMarket #LakeElla #Development #AlignCRE #BuildForRent #BFR #BTR #Millennials #EchoBoomers #OrlandoMSA
$1.65 Million Land Transaction
December 5, 2019 – Yog Melwani, principal of Align Commercial Real Estate, represented Manish Parikh, president of Orlando-based Car Wash Palace, in the $1,650,000 purchase of a 1.3 +/- acre property located near the busy Metro West signalized intersection of Kirkman Road (56,500 AADT) and L. B. McLeod Rd. (23,000 AADT), next to the WingHouse and 7-11.
The redevelopment of the former Denny’s restaurant, located at 3957 South Kirkman Road, Orlando, FL 32811, required a conditional use permit which was obtained, and Car Wash Palace is again working with Florida Engineering Group as civil engineer.
The property is surrounded by several multifamily developments, a population of approximately 113,124 and nearly 42,000 households. “Florida’s growing and busy population creates a strong demand for more automatic car washes, like Car Wash Palace. The frequency of conveyor car wash users is due to busy lifestyles which do not allow time for vehicle owners to clean their automobiles themselves.” says Yog Melwani principal at Align Commercial Real Estate.
Manish Parikh says, “This will be our 5th Car Wash Palace in the Orlando/Kissimmee area, and will be the 3rd location built from the ground up. This type of car wash has become popular because people are busy, and customers can get in and out quickly.”
The new location for Car Wash Palace follows other locations in Orlando, Kissimmee, Winter Springs and Waterford Lakes.
2019 Diversity In Business Awards Community Panel
October 14, 2019 – The Orlando Business Journal (OBJ) held their 2019 Diversity In Business Awards Luncheon on Friday, October 11, 2019, at the Hyatt Regency Orlando. Prior to the awards and luncheon, OBJ hosted a Diversity in Our Business Community Panel of leaders who shared highlights and perspectives about navigating through Diversity & Inclusion strategies and initiatives in Central Florida.
Yog Melwani, who wears many hats – Principal of Align Commercial Real Estate, a minority owned company, Chair of Orlando’s Multicultural Affairs Committee, and President of the Indian American Chamber of Commerce – to name a few, was one of five panelist invited to speak at the OBJ event.
The other panelist included Dr. Deborah Crown – Dean, Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College; LaVon Bracy Davis – Senior Director, Community Arts Programming, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts; Bill Hertan – President TRI Partners & Founder Central Florida Diversity Learning Series; and Leonard Spencer – Senior Manager, Supplier Diversity The Walt Disney Company. The Moderator was Angela Lagos, Assistant Director of Diversity Inclusion at Universal Parks & Resorts.
2020 Co-Chairs for Orlando’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s
October 6, 2019 – Alzheimer’s Ambassador for Representative Val Demings, Usha Tewari, and Local Philanthropist, Businessman and Southwest Orlando resident, Yog Melwani, have been named as the Co-Chairs for the 2020 Orlando Walk to End Alzheimer’s.
Ms. Tewari and Mr. Melwani are among the over 1.1 million Floridian caregivers who care for loved ones suffering from Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other dementia. Florida has the second highest prevalence for Alzheimer’s, nationwide, and needs more advocates and activists to help find a cure for the First Alzheimer’s Survivor.
$2.2 Million Off-Market Land Transaction
September 24, 2019 – Yog Melwani, principal of Align Commercial Real Estate, negotiated and transacted the sale of a 6.8 acre +/- site on U.S. 27, in Davenport. The off-market property sold for $2,200,000 – 100% of the asking price.
This 6.8 acre +/- property is located on U.S. 27, just north of Sand Mine Road, in Davenport, Florida. The site is fully entitled for 223,000 square feet of self-storage. Yog Melwani transacted the sale between the buyer, Highway 27 Holdings, LLC, and the seller, Osceola Enterprises of Kissimmee, Inc.
“Florida’s growing population creates a strong demand for more self-storage space, as does existing demographic trends which are evolving as the frequency of visits rise, due to use of self-storage as offsite closet space,” says Yog Melwani principal at Align Commercial Real Estate. #SelfStorage #Land #OffMarket #Development #AlignCRE #CommercialRealEstate
Appointed as Chair by Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer to New Committee
June 14, 2019 – Yog Melwani was honored to be appointed as Chair, by Mayor Buddy Dyer, to Orlando’s inaugural Multicultural Affairs Committee.
The Committee on Multicultural Affairs, which held its first meeting on July 31, 2019, is comprised of 17 appointed community leaders that represent the diversity of Orlando, and whose goals are to help the city explore and identify new ideas and opportunities to continue engaging and enhancing relationships between Orlando and its minority and multicultural communities.
#Align #AlignCRE #CommercialRealEstate #Multicultural #OrlandoGov #MayorBuddyDyer #MayorsCommittees
Elected Orange County P & Z Board Chairman
January 17, 2019 – Yog Melwani was privileged to be elected as Chairman of the Orange County Planning & Zoning Board, on which he serves as an At Large Board Member, through December 2019. #OrangeCounty #P&ZBoard
Seller Representation
Yog Melwani represented a Bank, in the sale of a 1,116 square foot professional office, a property located at 1223 North Pine Hills Road, in Orlando, Florida, to Alpha Florida Investments Inc.
Yog Melwani secured and represented a private investor, in the purchase of ACE Cash Express Center, a 5,491 square foot retail property located at 4490 S. Semoran Blvd., in Orlando, Florida. The property is 100% occupied and anchored by ACE Cash Express, other tenants include: Brooklyn Pizza, Sandy Dry Cleaners and Yocastas Beauty Salon. The seller was represented by Marcus & Millichap. #ACECashExpress #SemoranBlvd #Orlando #Marcus&Millichap #AlignCRE
Yog Melwani, President of the IACC, was pleased that the Indian American Chamber of Commerce Orlando was able to co-host the Consulate General of India, Atlanta – Dr. Kulkarni, for Lunch at the Grand Bohemian, as well as meetings with Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, US Rep Darren Soto, Orange County Sheriff and Mayor Elect Jerry Demings and UCF. #YogMelwani #IACC #DrSwatiKulkarni #ConsulateGeneralOfIndia #USRepDarrenSoto #OrlandoMayorBuddyDyer #UCF #OrangeCountySheriffMayorElectJerryDemings #GrandBohemian #IndianAmericanChamberOfCommerceOrlando
Yog Melwani was honored to be appointed to the City of Orlando Nominating Board, by Mayor Buddy Dyer and the City Council, on June 11, 2018. #CityofOrlando #MayorBuddyDyer #OrlandoCityCouncil #AlignCRE
Buyer RepresentationYog Melwani represented Dr. Patel, in the purchase of an investment grade, 3 Building Industrial Development, in Melbourne, Florida. The development is comprised of multiple tenants, and was 100% occupied at the time of sale. #Doctors #Investment #Industrial #Melbourne #Florida #AlignCRE
Yog Melwani began his two (2) year term as President of the Indian American Chamber of Commerce – Orlando (IACC), in January of this year. #IACCPresident #IACC #IACCOrlando #AlignCRE
Elected Orange County P & Z Vice Chair
On January 18, 2018, Yog Melwani was nominated and elected Vice Chairperson to the Orange County Planning and Zoning Commission (Video in 2018 Meetings/January 18, 2018/Election of 2018 Officers). #OrangeCounty #P&ZBoard
Re-Appointment to P & Z Board
On December 19, 2017, Yog Melwani was unanimously re-appointed to the Orange County Planning and Zoning Commission (Video in 2017/Dec. 19, 2017 Meeting/P&Z section/marker 29-1:12), by the Orange County Board of County Commissioners. Yog is honored to be re-appointed to serve as an At Large Board Member on the P&Z Board, through December 2019. #OrangeCounty #P&ZBoard #BCC
Buyer Representation
Yog Melwani represented Discovery Church Inc., in the purchase of two parcels totaling 26.6 +/- acres, from Point Plaza Partners LLC. Said parcels, known as Sand Lake Plaza and formerly Carrabba’s, are located at 811 and 1001 W. Sand Lake Rd., Orlando, FL 32809, respectively, and have building space totaling 83,950 SF +/-. Discovery Church has three locations in the Orlando area, and will be relocating its central campus congregation, to the W. Sand Lake Rd. property, to alleviate overcrowding.
“I would like to thank Discovery Church for the opportunity to work with them and to find a new home for their central campus, which will resolve their overcrowding and parking needs. Re-purposing this property should allow the church to accommodate future growth.” said Yog Melwani, Principal of Align Commercial Real Estate. #DiscoveryChurch #SandLakePlaza #BuyerRepresentation #CentralCampus #Repurposing #Brokerage #AlignCRE
IACC 2018 President
Yog Melwani was announced as the 2018 President to the Indian American Chamber of Commerce – Orlando, on Saturday, September 16th, at the Chamber’s 8th Annual Gala Awards and Dinner. #President #IACCPresident #IACCOrlando #AlignCRE
Consulate General of India Joins the IACC for a BAH and Lunch
The Indian American Chamber of Commerce of Orlando (IACC) and Orlando Health hosted a Business After Hours event on Thursday, August 10th, at the ORMC North Tower, with Special Guest Indian Consul General, Nagesh Singh, of the Consulate General of India, in Atlanta. Mr. Singh also took part of a tour of Medical City, in Lake Nona, on August 11th, followed by a lunch where members of the IACC got to meet and talk with the Consulate General. During his visit, Mr. Singh also had an opportunity to meet with a few elected officials. #ConsulGeneral #India #IACCOrlando #NageshSingh #LakeNona #MedicalCity #AlignCRE
Buyer Representation
Yog Melwani represented Car Wash Palace, in the purchase of a 1.3 +/- acre parcel from North American Development Group (NADG). Said parcel, is located on the northeast corner of John Young Parkway and Central Florida Parkway, diagonally across the street from The Ritz Carlton. The development will include a WaWa and a potential Quick Service Restaurant. #CarWashPalace #RitzCarlton #WaWa #QSR
Attending the 2016 Central Florida Political Leadership Institute (PLI)
Yog Melwani feels honored to be one of the 20 participants selected to attend the 2016 PLI class in September, which is designed to strengthen and equip the region’s future leaders.
New Agent Joins Align Commercial Real Estate (ACRE)
We are pleased to announce that licensed real estate agent, Rakesh Akula, joined the Align Commercial Real Estate team in April 2016. #NewAssociate #Growth
Buyer Representation
Yog Melwani represented Mark Viers, in the purchase of a 2.8 +/- acre parcel in the Britt Business Center located on E. Crown Point Road, in Winter Garden. Said parcel is less than 1/2 mile from the Plant Street Exit of SR 429. #WinterGarden #PlantStreet #SR429
Yog Melwani represented Mr. Punjabi, an investor from Dubai, in the purchase of an investment property in a Downtown Orlando building. #Investor #Dubai #Investmentproperty
Re-Elected as Chair of the Orange County MMRB
Yog Melwani was pleased to have been Nominated and Re-elected as Chair of the Orange County Membership and Mission Review Board (MMRB), at the February 19th MMRB meeting. This is his 3rd term, serving as the District 1 Representative on the Orange County Advisory Board. #ElectedChair #MMRB #AdvisoryBoard
Appointment to P & Z Board
Yog Melwani was honored to be appointed to serve as an At Large Board Member on the Orange County Planning and Zoning Commission, by the Orange County Board of County Commissioners, in January 2016. #OC #P&Z #BCC
Consulate General of India Joins the IACC India Day Celebration
Mr. D.V. Singh, Consul of the Consulate General of India in Atlanta, attended the India Day Celebration in Orlando, where a Proclamation from Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer was presented by Commissioner Regina Hill, declaring January 31, 2016 – “India Day”. Letters were also received from U.S. Senator Bill Nelson and U.S. Representative Dan Webster, honoring the India Day Celebration. #ConsulateGeneralIndia #MayorBuddyDyer #Proclamation
IACC’s 4th Annual India Day
On January 31, 2016, the IACC, their sponsors and the Orlando Magic presented another successful India Day Event. The celebration included the increasingly popular Street Fest, a member luncheon, and a game between the Orlando Magic and the Boston Celtics. Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit also attended the festivities. #JaiHoMagic #OrlandoMagic #MadhuriDixit
IACC’s 2016 Vice-President
Yog Melwani was named Vice-President to the Indian American Chamber of Commerce – Orlando.
Tenant Representation
Yog Melwani represented Mike Sport and negotiated a lease with Lake Buena Vista Joint Venture Phase II, LLC, for retail space at the Lake Buena Vista Factory Stores, on SR 535, close to SR 417, in Orlando.
Yog Melwani was pleased to participate as a member of the Host Committee honoring George Rodon, who was selected to receive the 2015 “Vale La Pena Award”, at the Hispanic Heritage Luncheon of the Central Florida Boy Scouts. The luncheon which was held Friday, October 9, 2015 at the Embassy Suites Downtown Orlando, raised $45,360 to benefit the Boy Scouts of America Hispanic Initiative.
Buyer Representation
Yog Melwani represented NGI Investments, in the purchase of a 1 +/- acre parcel from Seminole County. Said parcel, is at the signalized intersection and northwest corner of SR 436 and Montgomery Road, in Altamonte Springs.
Tenant Representation
Yog Melwani represented Align Multimedia, LLC., and successfully negotiated a ground lease with Destination Hotel, LLC., for a piece of property at the Comfort Inn Maingate, on SR 192, in Kissimmee.
Tenant Representation
Yog Melwani represented The Thompson Agency, Inc., and negotiated a lease with Continental Realty Corporation, for an office space at Waterford Park, on Lake Underhill Road, close to Alafaya Trail & SR 408, in the Waterford Lakes area, Orlando.
Elected as Chair of the Orange County Membership Mission Review Board (MMRB)
Yog Melwani was pleased to have been nominated and elected as Chair of the Orange County Membership and Mission Review Board (MMRB). This is his 3rd term, serving as the District 1 Representative on the Orange County Advisory Board. The former Vice Chair was nominated and elected Chair, at the February 20th MMRB meeting.
Appointment to Bank Advisory Board
Yog Melwani was honored to be appointed as a Board Member to the BB&T Bank Advisory Board, in February.
Consul General of India Visits IACC
Ajit Kumar, Consul General of India in Atlanta, attended the India Day luncheon in Orlando, where a Proclamation by Mayor Buddy Dyer was presented by Luis Martinez, Director of Multicultural Affairs, declaring January 31, 2015 – “India Day”.
IACC’s 3rd Annual India Day
Once again the IACC and their sponsors partnered with the Orlando Magic, to present another successful India Day Event, on January 31, 2015. The celebration included the popular Street Fest, a member luncheon, a game between the Orlando Magic and the Dallas Mavericks, followed by a crowd pleasing performance from R&B Artist Jay Sean.
Orange County MMRB Reappointment
Yog Melwani was pleased to be reappointed and reconfirmed, in January, for a 3rd term, serving as the District 1 Representative on the Orange County Advisory Board: Membership and Mission Review Board (MMRB).
Buyer Representation
Yog Melwani represented Sanjay Srinivasan of Global Gifts & Novelties, LLC, in the purchase of a 1.5 +/- acre parcel from MKB Florida Holdings, LLC. Said parcel, with I-4 frontage, is located on 33rd Street in Orlando, adjacent to the former Boat Tree property (which was recently purchased by Fields Motorcars of Florida).
Purchase Negotiation
Yog Melwani negotiated a sale between Car Wash Palace and Osceola D & J Lot 5, LLC, for the purchase of an out parcel in the BJ’s anchored development, Osceola Crossings, Kissimmee.
Yog Melwani represented The Tutoring Center (Franchisee) and negotiated a lease with Kite Realty, Inc., for a space at the Publix anchored Colonial Promenade, at Hunters Creek, Orlando.
IACC Visit by Consul General of India
Ajit Kumar, Consul General of India in Atlanta, visited the Indian American Chamber of Commerce in Orlando, on March 13, 2014.
IACC’s 2nd Annual India Day
Miss America 2014, the Orlando Magic and the IACC sponsors helped Yog Melwani and the IACC Executive Committee to present another successful India Day Event. The 2nd India Day celebration was on January 19, 2014.
IACC 2014 Secretary
Yog Melwani was appointed Secretary to the Indian American Chamber of Commerce – Orlando.
Re-elected Orange County MMRB Vice Chair
Yog Melwani was re-elected Vice Chair to the Orange County Membership and Mission Review Board.
Purchase Negotiation
Yog Melwani negotiated a sale between Keating-Main, LLC (Buyer) and Genexis Construction Inc. (Seller), for Unit 1150 at Apex Commerce Center.
Buyer Representation
Yog Melwani represented Santiago Palomares in the purchase of Unit 1050, a Flex Space unit at Apex Commerce Center, from Contemporary Construction Services, Inc.
Buyer Representation
Yog Melwani represented DACKOR, Inc., with the expansion purchase of Unit 1040, a Flex Space unit at Apex Commerce Center, from Contemporary Construction Services, Inc.
Seller Representation
Yog Melwani represented Sidhivinayak Sai, LLC with the sale of Unit 1000, at Apex Commerce Center, to Crown Point Partners, LLC.
Elected Orange County MMRB Vice Chair
Yog Melwani elected Vice Chair to the Orange County Membership and Mission Review Board.
Orange County MMRB Reappointment
Yog Melwani reappointed and reconfirmed, as the District 1 Representative, to the Orange County Membership and Mission Review Board.
Community Government Involvement
Yog Melwani appointed by Orange County District 1 Commissioner, Scott Boyd, and confirmed by the Orange County Board of County Commission, as the District 1 Representative to the Orange County Membership and Mission Review Board (MMRB).
In the News – Live, In Print and On the Net
04.02.21 GrowthSpotter – “RealOp Investments enters the Build-for-Rent market with purchase of shovel-ready subdivision in Lady Lake” by Laura Kinsler – Yog Melwani of Align Commercial Real Estate brokered the sale of the 67-acre shovel-ready property, about a mile from The Villages, for $4.9 Million.
01.27.20 Orlando Business Journal (OBJ) – CRE “Biz Digest: Groundbreakings, industrial leases and a business acquisition” by Cindy Barth – Sales: Yog Melwani, of Align Commercial Real Estate, represented Manish Parikh, president of Orlando-based Car Wash Palace, in the $1.65 million purchase of a 1.3 – acre property located near Kirkman Road and L. B. McLeod Rd.
01.23.20 Southwest Orlando Bulletin – January 23 – February 5, 2020 (Page 18), New & Business Briefs by Lauren Salinero, Alzheimer’s Ambassador for Representative Val Demings, Usha Tewari, and Local Philanthropist, Businessman and Southwest Orlando resident, Yog Melwani, have been named as the Co-Chairs for the 2020 Orlando Walk to End Alzheimer’s.
10.13.19 Orlando Business Journal (OBJ) – “Inclusion honored at OBJ’s 2019 Diversity in Business Awards event” by Jim Carchidi Photojournalist OBJ. Local business leaders were recognized for their dedication to inclusion at Orlando Business Journal’s 2019 Diversity in Business Awards luncheon on Oct. 11, at Hyatt Regency Orlando. The afternoon also featured a five-member panel discussion that covered the importance of diversity in the workplace. Photo gallery for the 2019 Diversity in Business Awards.
10.04.19 Orlando Business Journal (OBJ) – OBJ Goes Pink, Vol. 36, No. 14 (Page 7) 2019 Diversity In Business Awards
09.24.19 GrowthSpotter – Yog Melwani of Align Commercial Real Estate facilitated a sale between Highway 27 Holdings, LLC and Osceola Enterprises of Kissimmee, Inc., for an off market 6.85 acre +/- property, entitled for up to 222,631 SF of Self Storage located on U.S. 27, in Davenport, FL, for $2.2 Million.
09.19.19 Southwest Orlando Bulletin – September 19 – October 2, 2019 (Page 18), In Your Neighborhood by Lauren Salinero, Et Al – Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer convened the first meeting of the Committee on Multicultural Affairs. The recently appointed panel includes 17 community leaders who represent diversity… Southwest resident, business leader and Indian American Chamber of Commerce Orlando President, Yog Melwani, will serve as chair of the committee.
08.04.19 The Daily City - “Committee on Multicultural Affairs Holds First Meeting” – by Mark Baratelli. The committee wishes to help strengthen the relationship between minority communities and city government.
07.31.19 LaPrensa – “Multicultural committee created to advise the mayor of Orlando” – by Roxana de la Riva. Committee members have been selected by consensus, said Tony Ortiz, commissioner of the City of Orlando: “They are active members of our community. Leaders we know and are people who have approached us on different occasions or for different initiatives.”
07.31.19 Orlando.Gov – Collaboration between the city and the Multicultural Affairs Committee will further efforts to ensure that diverse needs of the City of Orlando’s residents and visitors are met and that all feel welcomed, included and respected.
The appointed committee, which held its first meeting on July 31, 2019, is comprised of 17 community leaders that represent the diversity of Orlando, and whose goals are to help the city explore and identify new ideas and opportunities to continue engaging and enhancing relationships between Orlando and its minority and multicultural communities.
02.11.19 GrowthSpotter “People to Know: Yog Melwani, Align Commercial Real Estate” – Interview and Article by A.D. Thompson.
02.07.19 Southwest Orlando Bulletin – February 7 – 20, 2019, In Your Neighborhood – Et Al (pg. 22 & 24, Right corner & Top, Left corner) Yog Melwani was elected Chairman of the Orange County Planning and Zoning Commission.
February 2019 i4 Business Magazine “Up Close with Yog Melwani” – by Meaghan Branham. Yog Melwani joined the Indian American Chamber of Commerce (IACC) in 2010, and was the first member of the leadership committee. Since then he has transitioned through various board positions, to become the current IACC President (2018/19).
10.24.18 Marcus & Millichap Orlando arranges the sale of Ace Cash Express Center with a private investor, secured and represented by Yog Melwani, Align Commercial Real Estate, Orlando.
09.24.18 UCF COSNEWS IACC President Yog Melwani addressed more than 300 attendees at the IACC’s 9th Annual Awards Gala, held in Orlando International Airport’s Intermodal Terminal Facility. The keynote speaker, UCF’s new president Dr. Dale Whittaker praised the IACC’s focus on building community connections, and listed The India Center at UCF as an example.
04.06.18 GrowthSpotter – Local development group planning new hotel on Kissimmee’s W192 corridor.
03.13.18 WMFE 90.7 FM – Intersection with Matthew Peddie, IACC President Yog Melwani joins Intersection along with Mital Hall, Program Manager with EcoPreserve; and Mike Hess, Vice President of Smart and Sustainable Buildings with Panansonic; to discuss the Smart and Sustainable City Roundtable.
03.12.18 Spectrum News 13 IN DEPTH – with Caitlyn Jones, Yog Melwani and Mital Hall of the IACC Orlando, talk with Caitlyn about Becoming a Smart and Sustainable City.
03.10.18 Fox 35 WOFL – Orlando Matters with Ryan Elijah, Yog Melwani, President of the IACC Orlando, talks with Ryan about the Smart and Sustainable Cities Roundtable in alliance with Rollins College, City of Orlando Government and sponsored by VHB.
03.05.18 Interview on WPRK at Rollins College - regarding the IACC’s March 14th Smart and Sustainable Cities Collaborative Roundtable with Yog Melwani, IACC President; Mital Hall, IACC Leadership Committee; and David Mulholland, Southeast Regional Manager – VHB. The interview was hosted by Matt Duke, Patrick Greene and Hannah Miller.
02.02.18 India Abroad – Yog Melwani Named President of Indian American Chamber of Commerce Orlando (IACC) (Double click on article to enlarge.)
02.01.18 Khaas Baat – Yog Melwani is New President at Orlando Indian American Chamber of Commerce (News page, 1 scroll down).
02.01.18 Southwest Orlando Bulletin – February 1-14, 2018, (pg. 25, Top, Right corner). New Year brings new opportunities for business professionals. . . and a new president with a new vision for the future. Yog Melwani will serve as the Indian American Chamber of Commerce Orlando (IACC) President for 2018 – 2019.
01.27.18 Fox 35 WOFL – Live interview with Heather Gustafson, regarding the Indian American Chamber of Commerce Orlando and India Day 2018 – Commemorating India’s Republic Day and Heritage – with the Orlando Magic, on Saturday, February 3, 2018.
01.21.18 Windermere Observer - Yog Melwani named President of Indian American Chamber of Commerce Orlando. Yog Melwani of Align Commercial Real Estate in Windermere recently started his tenure as President of the Indian American Chamber of Commerce Orlando, looking to involve the chamber in new initiatives and events over the coming months.
01.18.18 Southwest Orlando Bulletin – January 18 – 31, 2018, (Pg. 22, Dr. Phillips section). The Orange County Board of Commissioners unanimously appointed Dr. Phillips resident Yog Melwani to the Orange County Planning and Zoning Commission. Yog is honored to be re-appointed and to serve as an at-large board member through December 2019.
01.11.18 i4 Business Magazine – The Indian American Chamber of Commerce Orlando has a New President and a New Vision for 2018. The new year brings new opportunities for business professionals across Florida. For the Indian American Chamber of Commerce in Orlando, 2018 brings a new President with a new vision for the future. Mr. Yog Melwani will serve as President for 2018 and 2019.
01.04.18 Orlando Sentinel People on the Move – Right Scroll through. Orlando Sentinel Paper – Read on Pg. A14, Business Briefing: Yog Melwani was unanimously Re-Appointed to the Orange County Planning and Zoning Commission, by the Orange County Board of County Commissioners. Yog will continue to serve as an At Large Board Member on the P & Z Board, through December 2019.
08.16.17 In response to an invitation extended by Greater Orlando Aviation Authority (GOAA), Yog Melwani, Vice President of the IACC, and Mital Hall, IACC Leadership Committee, made a Presentation to the GOAA Board, introducing the IACC of Orlando and information about Smart & Sustainable Cities Collaborative with India, on Wednesday, August 16th in the Board Room located at Orlando International Airport (OIA). #IACCOrlando #GOAA #SmartCities #Sustainability #OIA #AlignCRE
02.17.17 – Yog Melwani represented Car Wash Palace, in the purchase of a 1.3 +/- acre parcel from North American Development Group (NADG). The development will also include a WaWa and a potential Quick Service Restaurant.
10.14.16 India Abroad – Page A19 – The Indian American Chamber of Commerce Orlando presented checks to two of the Pulse nightclub shooting survivors. IACC President Dr. Varesh Patel and Vice President Yog Melwani presented Rodney Sumter a check, at the Annual Awards Gala, on September 24th, and the next morning, Yog Melwani presented Angel Santiago, Jr. a check, on Fox 35 Good Day Orlando. (Scroll down to bottom of the page.)
09.26.16 BusinessForce – Political Leadership Institute – Yog Melwani one of the 2016 Central Florida PLI Class Graduates. The Central Florida Political Leadership Institute (PLI) welcomed its 2016 class last Thursday for its political leadership school at the GuideWell Innovation Center in Lake Nona Medical City.
09.25.16 Live on Fox 35 News – Good Day Orlando, Yog Melwani was honored to present a contribution to Pulse Survivor Angel Santiago Jr., on behalf of the Indian American Chamber of Commerce Orlando. Also featured in the broadcast was a contribution presented to Rodney Sumter by IACC Orlando President, Dr. Varesh Patel, and Vice President, Yog Melwani, at the IACC Orlando’s 7th Annual Awards Gala and Reception, held at the Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center.
09.19.16 BusinessForce Selects 20 Participants – Central Florida PLI Announced the members of its 2016 class. Yog Melwani is among twenty (20) finalists, who were chosen from the seven-county Central Florida region, which includes Brevard, Lake, Orange, Osceola, Polk, Seminole and Volusia.
08.30.16 Primary Election Day in Florida: Yog Melwani, with Orange County Commissioner Ted Edwards, reviewing election results Tuesday evening. #ElectionResults #OrlandoSentinelElectionResults #OrangeCountyElections #HannibalsWinterPark
05.05.16 Orlando Business Journal – People on the Move: Yog Melwani was appointed to the Orange County Planning and Zoning Commission. #YogMelwani #OrangeCountyP&Z
03.20.16 Khaasbaat – The Indian American Chamber of Commerce (IACC) - led Orlando’s 4th official India Day celebration downtown on Jan. 31. The day was a celebration of Indian-American heritage, and in commemoration of India’s Republic Day. Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer officially proclaimed Jan. 31 as India Day in Orlando. The IACC hosted Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit, who was the guest speaker at the IACC event and interviewed center-court at the Amway Center, live on TV Asia.
04.02.15 Southwest Orlando Bulletin – In Your Neighborhood: Yog Melwani’s BB&T Bank Advisory Board appointment and election as Orange County MMRB’s 2015 Chair. – (Pg. 14 – Scroll down to the middle of the page.)
03.31.15 Orlando Sentinel – People on move: Yog Melwani appointed to the BB&T Bank Advisory Board.
03.04.15 Orlando Business Journal – People on the Move: Yog Melwani was appointed to the BB&T Bank Advisory Board.
March 2015 Khaasbaat – Mayor Dyer Proclaimed January 31, 2015 as India Day – it was celebrated in partnership with the IACC and the Orlando Magic. Consul General of India in Atlanta, Ajit Kumar was in attendance, and after the Magic/Mavericks game, India Day 2015 came to a close with a performance by R&B artist Jay Sean.
2014 and Older Articles
April 2014 Khaasbaat – Ajit Kumar, Consul General of India, in Atlanta, visits the Indian American Chamber of Commerce (IACC), Orlando – (Scroll down 3/4 of the page.)
12.22.11 West Orange Times – West Orange Chamber of Commerce Board – (End of Term, See Pg. 2A)
November 2011 West Orange Chamber of Commerce – (See Pg. 5).
09.06.10 Orlando Business Journal – Maintain Professionalism with Social Media Accounts – (Quote near close of article.)
03.11.10 West Orange Times coverage of Business After Hours (February BAH)
03.02.10 West Orange Chamber of Commerce - (Post February BAH)
02.18.10 Auction for Edgewood Children’s Ranch at Apex BAH
02.01.10 3rd Business After Hours – (Apex Commerce Center)
01.01.10 West Orange Chamber of Commerce 2nd Term
12.28.09 Orlando Business Journal – (Chambers)
12.14.09 Orlando Business Journal – West Orange Chamber of Commerce – (New Board Members)
09.29.08 Orlando Sentinel – Sales - (Scroll down 1/2 of the page.)
04.09.07 Orlando Business Journal – What’s the best way to respond if a client or broker…?
03.26.07 Orlando Business Journal – Winter Garden Development Showcase
09.04.06 Orlando Business Journal – Commercial Real Estate
12.08.05 West Orange Times – West Orange Chamber of Commerce – (Orientation, See Pg. 5A)